Prices don’t matter

I want to talk about stuff that’s CRITICAL if you want to keep growing your business.

Lead generation.

Because you have a lead generation strategy, right?

Don’t worry – if you chuckled or are wondering what you just read, you are not alone. Many accounting firms don’t pay much attention to the active lead generation.

New clients just magically appear, right?

Only that they don’t. At least not if you don’t want to rely on referrals alone. But it’s unlikely referrals alone will take you to the level that I want you to get to.

The key? You need to get proactive. Start actively reaching out to potential customers.There are many ways in which you could do that:

Seminars and workshops (network and show your expertise at the same time)

Mail (direct mail works great if you can prove your value)

Webinars (especially if they’re a part of a bigger sales funnel setup)

Electronic or paper newsletters (perfect if you want to build a relationship)

The list could go on and on.

Let me ask you a question – do you consider your prices high compared to the industry average?

Every time your potential clients compare your offer with that of your competitors, they ask themselves this very question.

In the end, every business owner wants to get the best possible price for the services they secure.

However, what many service providers don’t realize is that the best customers rarely look at the nominal prices when they make a comparison.

Even if it seems like it’s all they look at.

Of course, there are people who look exclusively for the cheapest offer – but they are not your target audience anyway.

What the clients that interest you really have in mind is the value they can get in exchange for their money.

You see, A-class clients don’t make the price a priority. They don’t mind paying a little extra if you provide them with quality service that satisfies their needs.

There are many benefits to working with A-class clients instead of price shoppers. Two of which are critical if you want to take your accounting business to the next level.

First, they’re almost never going to argue with you over your prices. They’re professional about their work and expect the same – and are happy to pay for the value you provide.

This also means they won’t waste your time trying to lower the price and you’ll be able to get to work much sooner.

Second, as long as you do a good job, they’ll stay with you for a long time. They are busy running their business and aren’t constantly looking for a better offer.

Clients who pay you good money and stay with your business for a long time?

It doesn’t get any better than that.

Naturally, your prices are important. And every potential client will examine them.

But if they’re the priority for your client, you’ve found someone who isn’t a good fit for your firm.

Speaking of the financial side of your business, I encourage you to download my latest book called “The Naked Truth” which reveals the financial performance of 32 accounting firms – and what they are doing to dramatically increase their revenue. Click here to access it now.

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