Navigating the 2024 Accounting Landscape: The Profitable Partners Accountants Benchmark Report reveals key trends, strategies, and the most important metrics to overcome firm challenges and transform your business and lifestyle.


The report utilizes insights from 323 accounting firms across the USA, Canada, and Australasia, uncovering the most valuable data and strategies to help you overcome the top challenges and understand how your numbers stack up against the rest.

The report focuses on key areas such as workflow development, team development, marketing strategies, and many more, all aimed at maximizing profitability and reducing working hours.

As advanced technologies become more prevalent, targeted marketing becomes more amplified, and talent becomes more selective and difficult to find, firms face the challenge of adapting or risking being surpassed by the competition. Use this report as a tool to understand your position in the market, identify opportunities, and improve your firm.

Download the 2024 industry
report to learn:

why the median profit result is $503K per Partner – the best was $4M
all the main KPIs to measure with actual numbers
why some firms are less profitable than others
how many hours Partners actually work
how to get the hours down while increasing profit
the real success drivers for growing firms
how your firm can make changes to achieve better results
how you measure up against industry benchmarks

Download the 2024 report now

Our method of benchmarking doesn't just show statistics. It shows where your firm sits in each quartile and provides insights into how to improve each metric.

Rob Nixon_Accountant-benchmark-report

Hi, I’m Rob Nixon. Since 1994, my team and I have been helping accounting firms all over the world who want to run a better business. Currently, my products and strategies are used by accountants in over 50 countries. My landmark ideas and strategies are adopted by thousands of large and small firms all over the world.

This report is all about the benchmarks in critical areas of your accounting business. Hopefully, it inspires you to build a better, more fulfilling accounting business. One that provides the owners with more time, more enjoyment, and more money.