Niche down!

Here’s a common belief that I see many accounting firm owners share:

They think their services are too specific to waste time on marketing. They look at what others are doing and believe there’s just no way marketing could work for them.

The truth is, they could not be more wrong. Sometimes the more “niche” you are, the better.

Think about it like this – your goal isn’t to work with everyone willing to pay. 

Sure, you might think that it’s better to accept anyone who reaches out. But this positions you as “yet another accounting firm”. In the long run, you lose way more than you get. 

First, marketing can be expensive. The broader your audience, the more money you’ll need to spend to reach them. Plus, the harder it will be to offer them something they can’t get anywhere else. 

Sure, you’ll get leads – but the best ones won’t convert as good as they could if you were reaching out to a niche specialist. 

Of course, niching down will limit the number of clients that you can get. But it’ll skyrocket their quality. This is because quality clients don’t want to work with just anyone. They want to work with the best in their niche. 

Plus, narrower niche means narrower targeting. Instead of trying to get to anyone, you now have a specific customer in mind. This means that you’ll spend less money on reaching people who are willing to pay you more for your services. 

But, how do you actually identify your niche?

The key is to find what you’re best at and deliver it to the right customer. To find those customers, create the ideal client persona. You can use the following questions to do that: 

  • What’s their line of business?
  • What’s the size of the companies?
  • How much time have they been in business?
  • How risk-averse are they?
  • Where are they from and where do they spend their time?

Having a client persona means you’ll know exactly who to target with your campaigns. Plus, you’ll understand what they’re looking for. 

This will help you create the right hook and message to grab their attention, turn them into leads, and then into paying customers. 

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