Why this accounting firm went mental for dental (clients)

I want to share the story of Pro-fi 20/20 in Atlanta who completely overhauled their client base to triple revenue in three years.

Chris and Brent, the two partners, had a small traditional CPA firm, no industry niche, generic, run-of-the-mill businesses with a team of 9 people. In 2019 they had revenue of $2 million.

When Brent & Chris got started with Profitable Partners, their goal was to have 100% Dental clients. At the time they had 20% dental and these clients were bringing in 60% of the revenue. They were committed to going all in on the niche, but lacked direction, how to market and what to do with the other 120 clients.

Fast forward to 2022 and Pro-fi 20/20 now has $6.1M in revenue with a team of 38 people.

How did they do it?
They went all in on their niche, made big strategic decisions, improved team dynamics, streamlined the work, elevated their brand and position in the market (and much much more over the 3 year period). They are now a sought after Dental Industry expert Accounting Firm.

Why did they do it?
Their motivation was freedom. By focussing on growing your firm you get the lifestyle. It’s not always about money, it’s also about freedom and family and a great work-life balance.

Through the coaching process Pro-Fi 20/20 became extremely focused on accountability, scorecards, core values and committing to achieving the 100% niche. Watch the full case study here: https://www.robnixon.com/video_testimonials/pro-fi/



PS. Whenever you’re ready here are 3 ways we can help you:

1. If you want to see how you compare (financially) to other firms, download our 2022 benchmark report. Download here
2. If you want to understand how we help firms succeed with a simple, proven implementation coaching process then click here.
3. If you’d like to earn more than $1M profit per partner while working less than 500 client hours then apply to be a coaching client. You’ll need to be ambitious and coachable! Click here to apply.

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