The 4 most important questions to ask

The 4 most important questions to ask

As an Accountant, you don’t sell time. You already know that – you sell what you know. You sell knowledge, wisdom & solutions. You turn intellectual capital (what you know) into intellectual property (a report, paper, file etc). Having said that the majority of the Accountants I have met (over 175,000 of them in the past 24 years) have set their business model up as a ‘labor for hire’ business – a time seller!

It’s Marketing Season

Every year at the same time the Accounting profession enters the best marketing opportunity of the year. Most call it ‘tax season’ I call it ‘marketing season’.

Think about it. During tax season, you’re about to meet (or speak with) almost all of your clients over a relatively short period. What an opportunity to find out what they really need?

It’s all about the culture

People & Culture

Most Accounting firms culture just happens. It just happens the way it is. It is like a “culture by default” where in fact you can create “culture by design”. You can decide what you want your culture to be.

Partner Remuneration

How much should a partner of a multi partner accounting firm be paid? Should it be equal pay because you have equal shareholding? If it is going to be equal…