3 firms $1M profit or more

In this webinar I asked the 3 Partners (3 separate firms) 5 main questions and then the audience asked the rest. The upshot of the questions was the story of how ….

  1. Paula Field went from $460K in revenue with a $70K profit whilst working 3,000 hours TO NOW $2.1M revenue, $1.1M profit and 400 hours – great insights
  2. Kevin Bassett went from $2.1M in revenue with a $600K profit TO NOW $3.2M revenue, $1.3M profit while only hiring 2 extra people
  3. Jason Paar went from $3.5m in revenue with a $1.5M profit TO NOW $7.3M revenue, $3.6M profit and he only does 10hrs of client work per year and his Partner does 240 hours per year!

All are 4 year journeys. You’ll hear them talk about

  • Workflow
  • Taking time out of jobs
  • Leverage
  • Off shoring team members
  • Marketing
  • Firing clients
  • Pricing
  • Recurring revenue

And much much more. The openness was amazing, the insights and brutal truths even better


You can watch / listen to the full recording here. https://youtu.be/K8OwIji6Kak

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