Sharing Success Can Bring Even More Deals

Sharing Success Can Bring Even More Deals

Becoming an effective salesperson as an accountant can take time – especially if you try to master all the nuances of a sales process.

Thankfully, the more you succeed the easier it should be for you to build on that success, right? In the end, we all know that success is a tremendous confidence booster. 

The problem is, way too often we tend to underestimate the value of our achievements.

The 6 Criteria for an A-Grade Client

No accounting firm can work with just anyone. Picking the right clients can often make a difference between failure and success.

Even the biggest accounting firms out there don’t just accept everyone who knocks on their door. No matter how capable they might be, they’re not willing to work with clients who are not a good fit.

I believe this is an important lesson that all accountants need to learn.