Charlie Jebran

We wanted to grow, but we really needed some direction and a lot of help

From 3 partners, 18 people and $1.9M in revenue to now 3 Partners, 22 people and $3M in revenue. We wanted to grow, but we really needed some direction and a lot of help. We worked with Rob and his team for about two and a half years before going out on our own. During that time, we implemented many of the strategies and techniques that he recommended. We looked harder at our current clients and adjusted those fees accordingly, and pressed our new clients much more aggressively with his encouragement. This allowed us to grow our revenues from the 1.9 million that we started with, to the $3 million that we are today.

If you want to find out how they made these changes through our coaching program and how your firm will benefit visit our coaching page for more details.